Thursday, November 10, 2011

The House That Creaks # 8 Refurbished Toy Box

Hello!!! Happy Thursday to you. Thanks for stopping by. In case you have not read my first "House that creaks" episode. I call it that because some areas of the floors in this 20 year old house creak like no body's business! I totally want to fix it but secretly dont want to also because in just a couple of short years my daughter will be a teenager and possibly sneaking out of the house ! HA With these floors she will get caught for sure. Okay anywhoooo.......

I have had this toy box since I was oh.. 9 years old maybe?? It was up in the attic for a long time, then when my daughter was a wee one we got it down for her. Now she doesn't need it anymore. My first initial thought was to make a cushioned seat cover and I did that, but once I finally got the box looking like i wanted to, the material clashed.

Obviously my name was carved in it. If I was not going to have a seat cushion then I needed my name covered up. Got out the handy dandy wood filler. LOVE that stuff, it has been a big helper in quite a few projects. So filled in my name and sanded down the entire box. Primed it and Spray painted it gray. I looked like a big glob. I hated it. It was just missing something. I wandered around blog land. One girl (wish I would have kept her link) had the stencil pattern that I had already printed out from Emily at Jones Design Company.
she had used her stencil on a box and I squealed with delight! I just new I had to use the stencil on my toy box.

I am soooo in love with how it turned out. This is no longer an ugly grey glob. It is a deliciously fun refurbished piece!! YEA ME! oh, and the design is on both sides as well.
I have it sitting on the upstairs landing. I totally hate that lamp. I will be switched out.. eventually. Hopefully sooner than later. Last night i just finished that frame. I really need to hang it a little lower and post about it so, don't look at it yet! teehee

Thanks for looking!


Cindy said...

Julie, this is just awesome what you did to that trunk!! You could never tell it was the same one!! I did like your name it, though!!

Gina Lindsay said...

WOW, WOW, WOW!! You are one talented girlie! That looks amazing!